Cue the confetti! Happy 1 year blog-a-versary to Basically B!
This blog has become so much more to me than just a blog. It had helped me realize that I have more power over my life and I am capable of more than I think. It is possible to follow your passions and make a living out of it. Life is way too short to not try to turn your career into your dream job!
As some of you know, once Mitch proposed I quit my full-time job to be able to travel with him and his crazy lifestyle. This had me freaking out, not knowing what my future held. I always wanted to start a blog, and this gave me a complete go ahead to jump in with two feet.
I’d say this year was the practice round, and 2020 is the year I go full steam ahead and monetize this thing, create a life I love, and see where Basically B can take me.
Let’s be real. 2,000 page views per month, almost 3K Instagram followers, 200K monthly viewers on Pinterest is not exactly making the big bucks. Just because some girl blew up “over night” after blogging for 2 months, doesn’t mean I’m a failure because I haven’t yet. Success is relative, and it certainly isn’t linear. I’m keeping my blinders on and focusing on my content, fostering my connections (with my followers/readers, other bloggers, and brands), and my goals. Comparison does you no good, because all it is doing is making you feel some type of way. It’s not beneficial to my progress whatsoever, so I don’t waste time on it.
SO I wanted to share what I have learned this past year when it comes to this blog, coming up with content, and sticking with it even when it feels like nobody is watching or reading or paying attention.
1. The blogging world is always changing. Maybe it’s the addition of a new social media algorithm that’ll change the game. Or perhaps it’s the next best SEO technique that’s guaranteed to take your blog to the next level. The blogging world is constantly improving. Getting comfortable with a certain strategy only prevents you from pushing yourself to be the best you can be! Plus, it’s fun to learn new tips and tricks. But what if it costs money? Never be afraid to invest in yourself! If you don’t, how can you expect someone else to? I have spent countless hours on YouTube and Pinterest trying to learn different things.
2. Community Over Competition. I’m all about supporting each other in this crazy blogging world. Commenting and sharing other blogs can actually help drive traffic to your own! It’s fun making friends with people who are just as passionate about blogging as you!
3. The Power of Pinterest. Do you ever wonder how some people get continuous traffic to their blogs and an absurd amount of page views? 9 times out of 10 they’ll attribute it all to Pinterest! It’s definitely my number one source of referrals and views even over Instagram and Facebook! And just like every social media app, there’s a specific way to handle it. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to Pinterest, but in 2020 I want to master my Pinterest game.
4. Numbers aren’t everything. It’s easy to compare yourself to others and wonder why you’re not growing at the same rate. Am I not using enough hashtags? Should I be blogging three days a week? How do they have more followers than me when they started months afterwards?! It can be frustrating and at times downright unhealthy. I like to check my engagement instead of growth of followers. Are the people reading my posts actively sharing or excited about what I have coming up next? That’s enough for me! I love being able to bring joy whether it’s to 100 people or 100,000!
5. It’s not all swag bags and perks. I’d be lying if I said the free stuff wasn’t a great bonus! But if you’re blogging just to get free items then you’ll get burned out quickly. It’s nice to have companies that believe in you and your brand and it’s important to say thank you! Each time I receive a new perk is just encouragement for me to keep pushing and creating content that I can be proud of for my followers! However, it’s no all cotton candy and rainbows. There’s so much work that goes into each blog post. Brainstorming, researching, writing, optimizing, adding links, taking photos, scheduling, and more! I started Basically B as a creative outlet, not to just get free clothes. I consider myself a writer, and the rest is just added bonus.
6. BE YOURSELF! Often I see so many bloggers that push themselves to be something they’re not. I say life is too short to be unhappy and spend your time pleasing others! Blog because YOU love it not because you want an audience. That’s exactly what I focus on. If I don’t love my content, then how can I expect other people to?
Again thank you for all the love and support this past year. I am excited to see what 2020 has to offer! I hope you stick around!

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