Have you ever noticed how you find yourself going back to the same few people when you need real, honest life advice? The people who just get you. Who understand what you want, what you need, and what you should avoid like the plague. The ones who put their heart into their advice and think about how things will affect you long term. You admire their values, trust their opinions, and know they have your best interest in mind. They tell you the hard truth, not only the easy things you want to hear.
That’s when you know you’ve found a life long friend.
Who are those people are in your life? Are you dedicating enough of your time to nurturing those relationships? These are the people who will help shape you — cherish them ♥️
Honest friends are good friends.
I know who my people are, because they’re the one’s who are straight up with me. They tell it like it is and give me their best advice, even if they know it won’t be received well. You need those types of friends in your life.
I have friends all over the country. From coast to coast. New York to Oklahoma, from my home in Batavia, IL to New Orleans, Indiana, and KY. I am blessed to have supportive women in my life. It makes it hard when everyone is so spread out, but it’s a two-way communication. Plus it makes it fun to plan a bunch of trips to visit my ladies!
It’s quality over quantity when it comes to friendships. I have a small group of really close friends who know me SO WELL. I love the quote “good friends are like mirrors, they see us perfectly” because it’s so true, we learn more about ourselves through them.
Recently I have had to lean on my girlfriends more than ever. It is amazing to feel so much love during this time and having them lift me up as I have been feeling down. From the little messages, to the check ins to sending me funny TikToks to make me laugh, I truly cherish every relationship with each of these ladies.
This past weekend I took a little weekend getaway to Galena, IL with a few of my girlfriends. It was exactly what I needed! A weekend with some of my favorite people, taking my mind off of things, sipping on wine, catching up, and just laughing. It was what my soul needed!
Take this as a reminder to send a little love to each of your girlfriends today! They are there for you to celebrate the victories, and to help lift you up when you are down.
A friend is like a bra: hard to find, comfortable, supportive, always lift you up, makes you look better, never lets you down or leaves you hanging, and always close to your heart.”
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