I have a confession, that I feel like most girls can relate to… I am an over packer. I think it is in our blood or maybe it is just a sort of comfort knowing that we have at least 2-3 outfit choices per day, and something for any situation that might arise up. Will there be a snowstorm in Mexico? Probably not, but you bet I packed a knit hat just in case. I am also known for packing a bathing suit for each days I will be gone. However, this one probably will never change.
I have made a promise to myself try to not overpack for my Belize trip coming up at the end of the month. Don’t get me wrong I am still bringing a full sized suitcase for our quick 5 day trip, but I plan to pack smarter. So I think the story behind this blog post, is to hold myself accountable once these tips are published to the world to actually utilize them. So this post is more of how to be a good over packer.
Plan your outfits and try them on
This is something I already do. I write down what I plan on doing every single day, and then I find an outfit that will work perfectly for that. I pick out what bathing suit I will wear on which day, and what outfit/outfits I will wear for the activities that day. I also plan out which shoes, and accessorize head to toe. This is where I will try to stop the over packing by only putting shoes and accessories into my suitcase that I can wear multiple times. When I am happy with an outfit I will snap a picture of it and set it aside to pack.
Also making a list is extremely helpful. I am 100% a list person and I get joy out of crossing something off of my list. By making a list of what activities you will be doing each day will help make sure you don’t bring things that you will not wear. Why pack fancy dinner outfits, if you know you are going to a beach town where everything is casual? Taking time to sit down and write about the kind of outfits you will need for your vacation will avoid you packing things that aren’t necessary.
Roll your clothes
This tip has saved me so much space over the years — especially when I am forced to bring only a carry on suitcase. For whatever reason, you can fit way more in your bag if you roll your luggage vs. folding it. This is the only way I pack since I figured out this handy tip. Except while I am saving room in my suitcase, it gives me an excuse to pack more things which is what I will try to avoid this time around.
Utilize every space in your suitcase
If you’re a shoe addict like me, you want to bring all the shoes with you in your suitcase. I think the most shoes I have packed for a trip was 8 different pairs. I most likely wore only 5 of those pairs, but you learn from your mistakes. By using the extra space in your shoes to shove your socks and undies in, you are ultimately saving space for other things.

Another way to save space is to put things in your hats. This is also a way to make sure your hats don’t get smushed and keep their shape. Lay the hat face down in the bottom of your suitcase so the head hole is facing up. Then pack the hole with soft things. I like to pack scarves and bathing suits in my hats to help save space.
Keep travel sized beauty products on hand
If you take a look under the sink in my bathroom, it practically looks like the travel size section of Walgreens. Everything from shampoo and conditioner, to tooth paste to anything you could possibly need, I have it under my sink. Every time I go to the dentist I ask for extra travel sized items in my little goodie bag. I probably have close to 15 travel sized tooth pastes and floss on hand. I also will go to Sephora and ask for sample sizes of my every day make up and other products I use this way I have them handy for my vacations.
Another tip that I have is that I buy empty travel sized containers and fill them with my own shampoo, conditioner, face wash, etc… I have found this super handy when packing and saving space while avoiding packing full sized items of my beauty products. I never really wear much make up on vacation, so I only bring my absolute essentials.
Pack basic essentials
Now I know every person will say pack basics that you can wear multiple times. I can tell myself this 13 times, but the truth is this is probably not going to happen. So instead of packing things I can wear multiple times as the star of my outfit, I like to pack basic essentials. For example, a neutral color cardigan that would work with any outfit in case it is cold. A basic pair of white sneakers that I could wear with any outfit. I know that packing a capsule wardrobe for a vacation is not realistic for me, so focusing on a few pieces that I can add to an outfit is more fitting for me.
So there you have it. If you are an overpacker like me, embrace it and take these tips to try to control your over packing. Like I said earlier, I will try to pack lighter and smarter for Belize coming up. I will start taking a poll now to see if that actually happens!

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