Before we jump into 2019, let’s have a quick recap of 2018
2018 was a whirlwind. From moving across the country, getting engaged, traveling to Nicaragua, Miami, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Indiana, Louisiana, and Las Vegas I was a busy girl. I am blessed and grateful for the countless memories made with family and friends, and I am ready to see what the new year will bring me.
I kicked off the New Year with my family on a deserted island in Panama. It was filled with sunshine, happiness, and lots of champagne.
My 2019 Resolutions
Write, write write.
Starting a blog has been a resolution of mine, no joke since 2015. But hey, what matters is that I am finally doing it, right? Writing has always been my passion and a creative outlet that has been lacking in my life post college. Starting BasicallyB is just the beginning for my writing in 2019. I hope this blog lets me show my creative side and lead to possible collaborations and other exciting opportunities.
Sweat it out.
I like to call myself the laziest fit girl on this planet (shout out to my North Aurora Crossfit pals who know this all too well). After moving down to New Orleans, I wanted to make working out a priority, not only for my physical health, but also for my mental stability. Moving half way across the country and figuring out a whole new life can bring on a ton of stress. I have joined Orange Theory Mid-City, and there is no turning back. I have officially drank the Orange Theory Kool-Aid, and I’m so happy I did. With the wedding coming up, I want to develop a strict work out routine and aim to go 4-5 times a week. Every girl wants to look HOT on her wedding day, and I am no exception. Also being strong is the new skinny and everyone knows I will never give up my biscuits and beer!
Schedule more me time.
Whether it’s reading a book, watching the Bachelor, or just a face mask – I am physically writing “me time” into my planner this year. With figuring out my new schedule, things go from being super busy to super slow in the blink of an eye, especially with Mitchell’s work schedule, so regardless if it’s a detox from stress or just something to get me out of the house, ME TIME is an official scheduled thing in 2019.
Become more of a book worm.
Being post grad for almost 3 years now (yikes! When did I become an adult?), and officially being over the slump of my reading only consisting of textbooks, research articles, or simply not for fun, I am ready to jump back into reading for fun. I joined Reese Witherspoon’s book club Hello Sunshine and I could not recommend it enough. Reese picks a female author’s book each month, and I have yet to be disappointed. I could not put down “One Day in December” by Josie Silver when I was in Panama.
Be happy always.
If it doesn’t make you happy, why do it? We only get one short life on this earth and I want to make 2019 the best yet. I want to fill my year with all things that make me happy: traveling, Mitchell, my family, peanut butter, sunshine, fashion, and so so so much more. I want to do one thing every day that makes me happy, because you can’t guarantee what tomorrow will bring you. I know 2019 isn’t going to be all unicorns and rainbows, however if make it a priority to choose happiness and live with joy, then I know I did my best.
What are your 2019 resolutions? Let’s show 2019 who’s the boss this year.
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