Memorial Day Weekend is ONE DAY away! We are so close to that 3 day weekend. I hope you have some great plans with your family and loved ones. But be sure to remember the reason for our wonderful long weekend, read my last blog post here about how to show your patriotism this weekend.
I feel like Memorial Day is the kickoff to summer. Warmer weather (fingers crossed with this CRAZY midwest weather), lake days, swimming, and of course bbq’s. Probably one of my favorite bbq foods is corn on the cob. I have loved it since I was a little girl, and growing up in the midwest, I know my corn.
I don’t want to sound snotty, but I know a good corn on the cob when I see one. Firm not mushy, just the perfect ratio of butter and salt, and the sweet taste of summer. Check out our handy dandy tool, Butter Boy to make buttering your corn super easy! I am a firm believer that every household needs a Butter Boy.
My mom was the wonderful lady who taught me how to make perfect corn on the cob. I remember sitting on the back porch shucking all of the corn. I would get covered with the little hairs, but push through.
About a year ago, my mom heard about the easiest hack to make corn on the cob, and it has changed our lives ever since. I thought with Memorial Day, summer, and corn on the cob season quickly approaching I would let y’all into our little secret.
First of all in order to cook a good corn on the cob, you need to know how to properly pick corn at the grocery store. The best place to get corn on the cob is your local farmer’s market, hands down. I have found the sweetest, most delicious corn at farmer’s markets. However, if you are going to your grocery store here are a few tips to look for good corn.
- Make sure the tip of the cob is moist to the touch — if it is dry then it is no bueno.
- Peel back an ever so little amount of the corn, just to take a peek at the top few kernels. You are looking for a pale yellow color, and smooth kernels. If they are shriveled up or brown, put it back.
- Now I know there is usually a trash bin for you to shuck your corn right there at the grocery store. Resist the urge to make the mess in the store, rather than your own home. Keep the corn in tack, until about 20 minutes before cooking it. It will keep it fresher.
Corn On The Cob Hack
Step 1: Cut off both ends of corn
Step 2: Shuck all but one layer of corn

Step 3: Wrap the corn in damp paper towel

Step 4: Microwave for 3 minutes
Bada-bing bada-boom, you have perfectly cooked corn on the cob in minutes. No more boiling water with sugar, and then waiting for the corn to cook. No more extremely messy corn shucks and hair everywhere. By cutting off the ends before shucking it will cause less mess. This process instantly makes your corn firm, and cooked completely.
So there you have it folks. No more mushy corn this summer. You can now bring the best tasting corn to your Memorial Day bbq this weekend, and tell everyone your little secret.

[…] I wanted to share a few of my favorite ways to eat corn during this time of year! Normally we just prepare corn on the cob because the corn is that good by itself. To find out how I prepare corn on the cob the easiest way without making your corn mushy – read my corn on the cob hack here! […]