Happy International Women’s Day! I have always believed that women run the world and the men who live in it, so here’s to just celebrating that even more today.
I truly believe that as a woman you can be ANYTHING you want to be – but it takes will-power, dedication, and the mindset that no one is going to get in your way. If you want a raise at work – ask for it. If you want to start your own company – stop talking about it and do it. If you want to be treated differently in the work place – show people how to treat you. If you want to reach your goals – work your BUTT off for them. Being a 5’3” female has never once stopped me from thinking I was anything but equal to any man. Give me a pair of heels (those extra inches help) and a challenge and I’ll make it happen – even if I fail the first 5 times. My advice for any of you chasing your dreams: get rid of the excuses and be unstoppable.
I’ve always been intrigued by independent women. To me, it’s not your hair, your makeup, or your body type that define your beauty. The most attractive quality you can possess is a confident and independent attitude. I’ve always admired women like that because it’s exactly what I wanted to be. A girl who’s self sufficient and takes her happiness and success into her own hands.
Becoming an independent female is a process, not something that happens overnight. The most self reliant women are the one’s who have worked through fear, rejection, doubt, and other hard situations to get there. Most likely, they’ve been through things that knocked them down and brought them to the realization that the only person you can ever completely rely on is yourself.
I’m writing this because I’ve been that girl, the one who allows someone else to control their feelings. I’ve played the comparison game that digs you into the hole of ‘will I ever be good enough’ and I never want to be in that situation again. I’ve experienced a few reality checks that made me realize things don’t happen for you unless you make them happen. I still have a lot to work on, but this year I’m focusing on being more independent. It’s something all women should strive for – whether you’re single, dating, or married. It’s empowering, rewarding, makes you a better friend, partner, and role model to others.
17 admirable qualities of bold, confident, independent women
1. If they want something done, they do it themselves.
2. They are teachable, open-minded, and understanding.
3. They maintain their own lives even while in a relationship.
4. They’re able to support and applaud other women without letting jealousy get in the way.
5. They avoid petty arguments and conflict.
6. They are assertive and have the ability to say no.
7. They thrive in the chaos of a busy schedule.
8. They ask for what they want.
9. They’re competitive and ambitious.
10. Their self worth is not dependent on anyone else’s opinion of them.
11. They have an opinion and voice it when necessary.
12. They do things without the approval of others.
13. They take risks and aren’t afraid of failure.
14. They wear the bright red lipstick just because they like it.
15. They’re scrappy and creative when it comes to problem solving.
16. Every *why* is followed with a *why not*? Sometimes you need a reminder of what you’re capable of.
17. They never play the ‘poor me’ card. I don’t have a ton of pet peeves, but this is one of them. Instead of dwelling on your problems and making excuses, find a way to make it happen.
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