24 years ago, Brittany Louise Bakkum was born into this world. With big blue eyes, massive dimples, and a shiny bald head I was ready to take on this crazy world we live in.
If you would have asked 10 year old Brittany where she would be at 24 years old, I would have had the complete opposite answer than where I actually am in my life. I would have told you I would be living in New York City working for a fashion magazine, think Devil Wears Prada with all of the fur coats, closet full of designer brands, and of course hundreds of shoes (well I wasn’t too far off with the shoes). Never in a million years would I have thought I would be where I am at 24.
My life has been full of love and happiness, but also times of sadness and challenges. I have had to learn how to be strong because you never know what tomorrow will bring you. I decided to compile 24 things that I have learned in my short 23 years on planet earth.
- Laugh at yourself – This is something I have definitely learned throughout the years. If you fall in public, laugh it off. If you make a fool out of yourself, laugh and the rest of the room will too. Laughing is contagious and makes everyone else around you happier.
- Do something every day that will make you happy- Big or small, give yourself a reason to smile every day.
- The little things mean the most – I have always been a believer that it’s in the small things – a random act of kindness, a lazy Sunday morning, or a blooming flower. When you learn to be grateful for the little things, you become more appreciative. You grow while appreciating even the littlest of things.
- It may be scary but do it anyways- Conquering my fears is the most liberating and fulfilling thing I have done. It pushed me to my core and helped me grow into someone with great strength.
- Everything cannot be perfect – Being a perfectionist my whole life, this one is hard for me. I strive for perfection in every aspect of my life, but I’m learning that is toxic and not the way to live. I should strive for my best and realize that perfection is not a real thing.
- Cut the toxic people out of your life – If they don’t bring value to your life, or if your relationship has simply fallen out, it is okay to cut people out of your life. Especially if they are bringing negativity.
- There is nothing bad about going to therapy – There was a point in my life where I was going to intense therapy twice a week for about a year. I struggled with anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for an event that happened in my life. Therapy helped me heal and cope, and be a stronger person than I could ever imagine at a time when I felt so low and lost. Do not be ashamed about getting yourself a therapist, I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t found mine.
- It’s okay to cry, but not okay to have a sob party for yourself – Cry if you must but stand up after. Let your breakdowns be your breakthroughs.
- Do not sleep with makeup on – I learned this one in college. Your skin is so important and taking care of it is essential so you can keep your beautiful skin when you get older. I keep a pack of make up wipes in my nightstand so those nights when I just can’t walk over to the sink, I give myself zero excuse because I don’t even have to stand.
- Be in the moment – My biggest pet peeve is when you are at a concert and everyone around you is watching it through their phone on Snapchat or on their Instagram story. Being in the moment is so fulfilling. You will get so much more out of life by snapping a few pics and a video or two and then enjoying the moment.
- Realize how much your parents gave you – Adulting can be hard. Bills, taxes, paperwork, and all the other things that being an adult brings is just the beginning. Take a moment and realize how much your parents gave you when you were growing up. Thank them for all that they did and continue to do in your life.
- Everyone is fighting a battle that you may or may not know about – Every person has their own story. Some share their story and some keep it to themselves. Take a moment to think about that before judging someone.
- No one will do it for you – You are your biggest advocate. You need to stand up for yourself and go after what you want. Put on your big girl panties and go after those goals. I’ve always wanted to start a blog, but no one was going to beg me to get my booty in gear. I did the research, the hard work, overcame the fear of putting myself out there, and I can’t wait to see where Basically B may take me.
- Do you – If you want to stay home on a Saturday night and watch Netflix, do it. If you want to go out on the town and dance until 3:30AM, do it. It is no one’s job to judge you or to dictate what will bring you happiness.
- Love with all of your heart – Love with everything. The people in your life, the things you do in your life, and simply your life. You only get one, so I strive to live my life with lots of love.
- Do not take everything personally, especially in the workforce – This one was hard for me to learn. After graduating college I accepted a job in corporate America in a massive company where I was a tiny fish in a big pond. That job taught me more than my whole college experience. I grew up fast, and learned that you have to separate work and personal, and everyone is there to get their job done, not to be your best friend and hold your hand.
- Everything is temporary – Bad days do not last forever and so do good days so learn from the bad and cherish the good.
- When one door closes, another door opens – I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and the one up above has a plan for everyone. Sometimes you do not want a door to close, but you have to remember that there is a greater plan and to trust in that plan.
- Don’t compare yourself to others – Someone is married and has a successful career, another person is traveling the world carefree, someone is living at home with their parents not having the job they studied 4 years for. Everyone is at a different place in their life. Focus on your path and where you are and do not worry about someone else’s.
- Realize that social media is a highlight reel, and not always real life – Social media is a big part of my life, hence being a blogger, and I try to be transparent and show y’all the real me. A picture on social media is most likely one out of 200 shots, edited, and showcases the best of the best for that person. Take it with a grain of salt, and don’t envy what everyone else is doing.
- Do not push away self care – Taking care of yourself should be a priority. Whether it is taking 30 minutes of your day to do something for you. Read a book, take a bath, anything that will help center yourself and refresh.
- Say no – I am a people pleaser. I like to make people happy. I have been there when I have stretched myself too thin trying to help everyone. It is okay to say no to things.
- If you don’t ask, you won’t get – People always ask how I get so many free things, discounts, or bargains. I simply say, “I ask.”. They can always say no, however if you don’t ask then you will never get.
- Eat the cookie – Life is short, and cookies are good. Don’t eat all the cookies every day, but don’t restrict yourself of the things that make you happy. Just eat the goodies in moderation.
I am so excited to see what year 24 brings me. I feel so grateful and blessed for the last 23 years, and hoping for a healthy and fun year to come.

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